Star Capital Finance, s.r.o.
V Celnici 1040/5, 110 00 Praha 1
271 68 654
C 101535 held by the Municipal Court in Prague
PDF - Upozornění - rozdělení
V Celnici 1040/5, 110 00 Praha 1
271 68 654
C 101535 held by the Municipal Court in Prague
PDF - Upozornění - rozdělení
V Celnici 1040/5, 110 00 Praha 1
087 71 022
B 24974 held by the Municipal Court in Prague
Panónska cesta 38/A, 851 04 Bratislava
35 881 208
31248/B held by the Municipal Court Bratislava III
V Celnici 1040/5, 110 00 Praha 1
141 06 680
B 26963 held by the Municipal Court in Prague
PDF - Upozornění - rozdělení
PDF - Upozornění - fúze
V Celnici 1040/5, 110 00 Praha 1
057 90 221
C 269421 held by the Municipal Court in Prague
V Celnici 1040/5, 110 00 Praha 1
0444 61 126
B 20933 held by the Municipal Court in Prague
V Celnici 1040/5, 110 00 Praha 1
018 29 017
C 265474 held by the Municipal Court in Prague
V Celnici 1040/5, 110 00 Praha 1
077 29 537
B 24050 held by the Municipal Court in Prague
Panónska cesta 38/A, 851 04 Bratislava
35 768 169
116268/B held by the Municipal Court Bratislava III
Mlynářská 1172/6, 110 00 Praha 1
211 47 191
B 28648 held by the Municipal Court in Prague
Barákova 237/8, 251 01 Říčany
107 35 739
B 26226 held by the Municipal Court in Prague
Barákova 237/8, 251 01 Říčany
109 01 604
B 26319 held by the Municipal Court in Prague
V Celnici 1040/5, 110 00 Praha 1
075 06 678
B 23843 held by the Municipal Court in Prague
V Celnici 1040/5, 110 00 Praha 1
086 22 973
B 24812 held by the Municipal Court in Prague
V Celnici 1040/5, 110 00 Praha 1
075 06 678
B 23843 held by the Municipal Court in Prague